It has been quite a year for web site design.  In a few weeks we will be launching some new web sites with the parallax design, the latest trend in web design for 2014. At the beginning of the year, our Art Director Charlie Patric wrote a blog on design trends and introduced our clients and readers to parallax design. Now, as we head into...

It has been quite a year for web site design.  In a few weeks we will be launching some new web sites with the parallax design, the latest trend in web design for 2014. At the beginning of the year, our Art Director Charlie Patric wrote a blog on design trends and introduced our clients and readers to parallax design. Now, as we head into June, we are beginning to see parallax designs popping up everywhere.  Clients going through our design process are unanimously choosing parallax design when given a choice between a traditional look and a parallax design. The fact is, the 3D look the can be achieved with the scrolling raises the bar on presentation. The trailblazers are out there redesigning their web sites with this updated look, which is the biggest departure in web presentation since Flash animations raised the bar on design potential a decade ago. If you are considering a new web site or if your marketing needs a jump start, you have to be thinking parallax design like Dr. Jack Peterson did earlier this year: This was the first of many parallax designs coming from Dog Star Media this year.So you have to ask yourself, where you are in the pack. Statisticians tell us that there are 5 groups in an adoption curve in a market. The first 2 or so percent are Trailblazers.   Trailblazers can visualize the benefits of change most easily and they start trends by jumping in first.  The next 13 or so percent are Early Adopters. Early Adopters see the Trailblazers receiving a new benefit and need little more convincing. Once the Early Adopters are on board, the early majority typically acts. This group, about 34% of a market, will act only after the Trailblazers and Early Adopters are already invested. They are not late to the party but they are definitely not out in front (a characteristic that likely shows up over and over in their business). The Late Majority (the next 34%) follows the early majority. These are people who will consider parallax designs in 2016 after most of their competitors have them and are likely moving on to the next innovation. Then there are the last 16%… the laggards, who never try anything or make changes.It is 2014; we all know the extreme importance of your web site and internet strategy. A new design trend is here. Do you want to be in the Trailblazer group for the first time? Are you ready to jump out of the Early Majority and be the first to make a new and importantly differentiating move? Do you want to have the web site that prospective patients will see and stop shopping because it is so cool and easy to use? If yes, email me Trailblazer! This is your chance to get ahead of the pack.

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